Parents Universal Resource Experts (Sue Scheff) Parents Helping Parents

Sue Scheff founded Parents’ Univeral Resource Experts (P.U.R.E) in 2001.  It was created to help educate parents in a loosely regulated industry called “teen help.”  After struggling with her own teenage daughter, she traveled down a road that was not only destructive to her – but put her daughter in harms way.

Sue Scheff is now a Parent Advocate and continues to help thousands of families with today’s teens.  During her crusade to help inform others, she became a victim, and now survivor, of Internet Defamation and Slander.  As with many people that have a voice to create change, you will have vocal enemies.  However, free speech does not condone defamation or slander.  After fighting back – a jury awarded Sue Scheff $11.3M verdict for damages.   

Sue Scheff has appeared on many media outlets including ABC News 20/20 i-Caught, CNN Headline News, Fox Morning News with Mike and Juliet, Fox News Tampabay, CBS News with Katie Couric, BBC, CBC Sunday News Magazine, Washington Post, Washington Times, USA Today, Miami Herald, Veja, Forbes, and many more both National and International.

Sue’s first book – Wit’s End! will be released in July 2008.